Greetings,welcome to my corner of the web, I am
in the process of forming my web page, so it may
take a while for me to complete it. In my mind my
Web page is going to constantly change as my knowledge
increases.Right now my web page is not to exciting yet
but that will change as my knowledge increases.
This is the original card for Disneyland!
My web page will grow as my knowledge increases.
This is my first web page, so I will have to use
my own instinct before I will can enhance it so
it will be unique to others. Yes I am a real Disney
fan. The fact the web page can only hold so much info
does not allow me or anyone else to display there whole
world of interests. In time my web page will include graphics
of my making, and also will include more details.
Space Mountain is my favorite ride in Disneyland.
My interests:
Asian Culture
Cartoons/Comic Books
Music: Dance Music
Music: Rock and Pop
Natural Sciences
Science Fiction
Sports: Baseball
Sports: Basketball
Sports: Golf
Sports: Soccer
Sports: Tennis
Favourite Links
Starry Night Very good Astronomy program, best I've seen